A Brief History of Altoria and the Surrounding Area

-----About 500 years ago, the great Lathanian Empire was under attack. Once controlling most of the known world, the Empire was already in decline when it suffered devastating attacks from dragons and humanoids. The large cities fell in ruins and the people were cut off from their emperor. The reason for such a massive attack of hordes of dragons is unclear. Legends would have one believe that the gods punished the Empire for their pride and decadence.
-----Within a few years, the Empire changed greatly. In between the destruction of the dragons, tribes of barbarians, elves, and dwarves invaded the territories. It is believed that during this time, the Vestians took advantage of the chaos to reclaim their islands. Last, but not least, a reorganization of religions occurred with the people coming into the lands once claimed by the Empire.
-----Because of this, a new recounting of the years was started. This new designation, referred to as Divine Years (D.Y.), was adopted by the human religions.
-----About D.Y. 50, dragons, human barbarian tribes, and Demihumans communities building new kingdoms claimed the eastern half of the once former empire. The Lathanian Empire was now mostly west of the Dragos Mountains and the Emperor was confined to his city of Aberus.
-----D.Y. 75 saw the end of the Lathanian Empire as a barbarian tribe overthrew the last emperor. This was hardly noticed at the time as humans and Demihumans fought to overcome the onslaught of dragons in the east. A few years later, the Gorians established their kingdom of Goria.
-----During the 100's, many human barbaric groups moved into eastern Argor and many battles were fought. At this point, some of the tribes were able to force out a few of the dragons. The next two centuries gave human and Demihuman races a chance to reclaim land lost during the dragon destruction.
-----During the late 300's, the Gorian Empire united most of eastern Argor under one rule. Way to the north, the city of Ravager was founded, first bringing attention to the region of Nefarion. Waves of Nor sea raiders first began attacking eastern Argor and the Vestian Isles.
-----The early 400's saw the sea raids increase. Towns were looted and burned along the coast of northern Argor. Some Nor barbarians began to raid towns along the Mistene River and into Nefarion.
-----The Gorian Empire began to feel the strain of conflict from the Sea Raiders, Nefarion, and the Vestians as well as internal strife. In D.Y. 443, a treaty divided the Gorian Empire into three parts. The three kingdoms became Goria, Altoria, and Zanyr.
-----The last part of the 400's saw even more attacks from Nefarion and northern barbarians. In D.Y. 465, barbarians conquered the peninsula of Goria. The next year saw the Gorians force them back and reclaim two-thirds of the conquered area. However, by the turn of the century, the Gorian Empire was no more.
-----In D.Y. 477, Altoria became an independent kingdom. In 485, massive barbarian attacks brought the Gorian capitol of Goretha under siege. A year later, the Gorian king paid the Nor barbarians a huge ransom to end their siege.
-----In D.Y. 496, the warlord, Marcimus, came to power in Ravager. Since that time, forces in Nefarion have become more unified and have amassed forces along the Mistene River and the northern mountain chains.
-----It is now D.Y. 500.

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