Languages in the Known World


This is a list of Human languages that have had the most influence on the area of Eastern Argor. These are:

Artanian: This language is the oldest known human language in the present world. Its origin can be traced to the region west of the Taranine Sea. Little is known about the ancient civilization that spoke it. Although most of the Artanian language is lost to the passage of time, traces can be found in the speech of those humans living across the southern sea.

Lathanian: The language of the once great Lathanian Empire still exists in some areas today. It has been absorbed into newer dialects used in the present time. It is hinted that the origin of the Lathanian language came from a more ancient civilization. This would seem to indicate influence from the Artanian language, although this has been proven false by the absence of patterns between the two. Lathanian is still used by many of the scholars, nobles, and merchants in the city of Vigilance.


Vestian: The language of the Vestian warrior civilization remains a mystery to many scholars. It has been recorded that from the earliest times that the warrior women possessed a very rich and advanced type of language for their ancient barbaric life styles. The dialect has been undetected in other known world languages. It is not impossible that the Vestians adopted their language from another civilization, but from where may never be known.


Xiling: The closest location this language could be experienced is from the Xiling merchants that visit the city of Vigilance. This is a language that has possibly traveled the farthest from its point of origin. If more of the people that speak this language visit or settle our area of Argor, it may add to the Common language. Even though this is the "newest" language to find its way into our region, it is suggested that the Xiling language is very old.


Barbaric: The Barbaric languages are not a separate language, but a collection of different dialects that came from the invasion of eastern Argor 500 years ago. The tribes that arrived each brought their own speech. Over time as the people settled and built their own civilizations, many of the dialects started to combine or adopt aspects of each other. Two of the most important "Barbaric" languages to eastern Argor are Gorian and Zanyrian. These two languages are still spoken in their respective countries. The language of the Nor Barbarians is another example. Other dialects that have diminished include Drasian, Myrean, and Roglor.


Common: For eastern Argor, this language was the natural progression of different influences over the past 500 years. In the language can be heard diverse traces of dialect such as Lathanian, ancient Artanian, and different "Barbaric" languages. Mostly important for trade and political means, many of the civilized areas in eastern Argor have used this language for many years.


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