
-----The Estate of Ravenhold is located in the southwestern portion of the Kingdom of Altoria. The Borderland Hills flank Ravenhold to the west. To the south lies the great Lathanian Plains. To the north is the Estate of Hearthorn. To the east, Ravenhold shares borders with the Estates of Silvergard and Darmore.

Estate Administrator
Ravenhold Lord Dartanian Sintor
Barrentarn ?
Black Bog ?
Bloodridge ?
Boggle Wood ?
Bracken Meadows ?
Dethnol ?
Etter Haven ?
Evenbar ?
Grovenmoor ?
Harrid Downs ?
Norkeep ?
Orelode ?
Quag Flats ?
Ravenpeak ?
Ravenwood ?
Rivenhill ?
Roseway ?
Silverfalls ?
Southkeep ?
Trolhite ?
Turlon ?

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