
-----The Estate of Hearthorn is located on the west central edge of the Kingdom of Altoria. It is bordered to the west by the Borderland Hills and the Dragos Mountains. On the southern border is the Altor River across which lies the Estate of Ravenhold. To the east lies the Royal Estate of Goldren and bordering to the northeast is the Estate of Whitewing. To the north, Hearthorn shares a border with the Estate of Greystone.

Estate Administrator
Hearthorn Lord Stephen Lambert
Battlerok Sir Abaren Norken
Blukeep Sir Gregory Harmon
Derknod Sir Evan Creed
Goldfal Sir Zander Ravin
Moorway Sir Aran Alador
Narpointe Sir Teldin VonMir
Oakwood Sir Lemont Greene
Redmarsh Sir Kelor Zantar
Stonegate Sir Sorion Magner
Westmont Sir John Lambert

The Town of Hearthorn

The Area surrounding the Town of Hearthorn

The Thieves' Guild of Hearthorn

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